Sunday 12 July: Jeremiah the Prophet: God’s ‘Iron Pillar’ Preacher

End of Series Quiz!

Please try the quizzes below to see how much you’ve learned about Jeremiah in the last few weeks at Sunday school.  Don’t worry if you don’t get everything right – some questions are much harder than others.  If you do all four quizzes there is a total of 50 points to try for.  Enter your name at the start of each quiz and we can add them up and let you know your score!


Jeremiah's Life

1 / 12

1. When Jeremiah was called to be a prophet how did he feel?

2 / 12

2. When Jeremiah was young, Josiah was King.  What did  Jeremiah and Josiah both do while they were still young?

3 / 12

3. When the godly King Josiah died Jeremiah was really sad.  How did Josiah die?

4 / 12

4. Jeremiah is often known as the weeping prophet. Why did he weep for the people of Judah?

5 / 12

5. As Jerusalem would soon be destroyed, what did God tell Jeremiah he should not do?

6 / 12

6. What did God teach Jeremiah when he sent him to the potter’s house?

7 / 12

7.  Jeremiah had a lot of opposition to his preaching.  When he was put in the stocks what did he want to give up?

8 / 12

8. However, Jeremiah continued to preach. What did Jeremiah tell the people they should put first in their lives?

9 / 12

9.  Jeremiah was put in the dungeon and sunk into the mire.  He thought he would die but what did he do?

10 / 12

10. Jeremiah believed God’s promises for the future.   He bought a field during the siege which shewed that he believed what?

11 / 12

11.  After the siege the Babylonians told Jeremiah he could choose where to live.  Where did Jeremiah know God wanted him to be?

12 / 12

12.  Sadly, Jeremiah was dragged off to Egypt and probably died there but throughout his life he had known God’s love and care towards him.  Which of these is not true about God towards His people?

Your score is

The average score is 80%



12 Lessons on the Life of Jeremiah

1 / 12

1. Jeremiah’s Call to be a Prophet
Who told Jeremiah that he must be a prophet?

2 / 12

2. Jeremiah preached many sermons.  What did he tell the people that they needed to do?

3 / 12

3. There was a big battle at a place called Carchemish and the Assyrian empire was finally defeated by the Babylonians. Who did God send Jeremiah to watch to remind him that God is in control of nations and people and they are in His hands?

4 / 12

4. Jeremiah was rejected by the religious leaders, many of the people and even some of his own family –just as Jesus was many years later.  Who plotted to kill Jeremiah?

5 / 12

5. They tried to stop Jeremiah preaching so his sermons were written down and read out by his scribe. King Jehoiakim destroyed one copy of Jeremiah’s sermons but where can we now read Jeremiah’s sermons?

6 / 12

6. What did Jeremiah do with a linen belt before wearing it to demonstrate to the people that they should not be proud?

7 / 12

7.  God showed Jeremiah two baskets of figs, one with good figs in and one with bad figs in.  Who did the good figs represent?

8 / 12

8. Jeremiah told the people that they should submit to the yoke of King Nebuchadnezzar but King Zedekiah rebelled. Who does the Bible say has rebelled and sinned against God?

9 / 12

9.  During the siege the princes put Jeremiah in a dungeon which he could not escape from.  All these answers are true of Jeremiah but which one is not a picture of us as sinners?

10 / 12

10. Many people died of pestilence and famine during the siege and then those left were killed by the sword.  If the people had left the city and gone to King Nebuchadnezzar what would he have done, which is a picture of what God will do if we submit to him?

11 / 12

11. When the Jews were taken captive it seemed as if there was no hope for the future but the people did return and the promised Saviour was eventually born.  Which people can even say, ‘There is hope’ when they know they are going to die?

12 / 12

12. In Lamentations 3 Jeremiah wrote about some of the things that had happened to him.  Out of these things which is the one that Jeremiah said was a bad thing to do?

Your score is

The average score is 88%



People in the life of Jeremiah

1 / 13

  1. What was Jeremiah's father's name?

2 / 13

2. When Jeremiah was called to be a prophet who was the king of Judah?

3 / 13

3. Which Old Testament prophet preached in Jerusalem at the time of Jeremiah and Josiah telling the people to Seek the Lord?

4 / 13

4. Who came to Jerusalem after the battle of Carchemish and took away some of the young men captive (including Daniel)?

5 / 13

5. Who put Jeremiah in the stocks after Jeremiah had told the people that Jerusalem would be broken like a broken pot?

6 / 13

6. What was the name of Jeremiah’s scribe who wrote down a lot of his sermons?

7 / 13

7.  What was the name of the king who cut up the scroll of God’s words to Jeremiah?

8 / 13

8.  God sent Jeremiah to tell King Zedekiah that he must be under the yoke of the King of Babylon.  Which false prophet broke the yoke and claimed that within 2 years all the captives would come home?

9 / 13

9. Four princes wanted to stop Jeremiah preaching and so they got permission from King Zedekiah to put Jeremiah into a dungeon.  The princes were called Shephatiah, Gedaliah, Pashurand ..

10 / 13

10. Who rescued Jeremiah from the dungeon where he had been left to sink into the mire and die?

11 / 13

11. After Jerusalem was destroyed who became the new governor of the land of Judah?

12 / 13

12. What was the name of Jeconiah’s grandson who returned many years later to be governor of Jerusalem?

13 / 13

13. What is the name of the Saviour that God sent     as He had promised?

Your score is

The average score is 77%



Jeremiah: Dates and Numbers

1 / 13

1. Josiah became king in 640BC.  In what year was Jeremiah called to be a prophet?

2 / 13

2. Josiah died in 609 BC.  For how many years had he been King of Judah?

3 / 13

3. After Josiah died his son Jehoahaz became king.  For how many months did he reign?

4 / 13

4. Pharaoh Necho took Jehoahaz as prisoner into Egypt and made Jehoiakim king instead.  For how many years did Jehoiakim serve Pharaoh Necho?

5 / 13

5. In what year was the battle of Carchemish when the Assyrian Empire was finally defeated?

6 / 13

6.  After the battle of Carchemish the first group of captives were taken to Babylon. How long did God say the captivity would last?

7 / 13

7.  Josiah’s son Jehoiakim and Zedekiah were both kings of Judah. One in 609BC and the other in 598BC.   How long did they both reign?

8 / 13

8.  Jeconiah reigned for just 3 months in the year 598BC.  He was then taken to prison in Babylon.  For how many years was he in prison?

9 / 13

9.  Soon after Jeconiah had been taken captive God shewed Jeremiah baskets of good and bad figs which had been left outside of the temple.  How many baskets were there?

10 / 13

10.  How many people did Ebedmelech take with him to help rescue Jeremiah from the dungeon?

11 / 13

11.  Jeremiah wrote an acrostic poem about the siege using the Hebrew Alphabet.  How many letters are there in the Hebrew alphabet?

12 / 13

12.  In what year was Jerusalem destroyed?

13 / 13

13.  Jeremiah was a prophet for 40 years in Jerusalem.  The book of Jeremiah begins by naming the 3 main kings during this time but how many different kings actually reigned during these 40 years?

Your score is

The average score is 58%


Please take a photo of your completed sheet and email to or send a WhatsApp to 07904 196673.  Remember to include your name and age. 

If you don't have a printer...

We would still love to see you have watched this week’s lesson, so if you can’t print one of the worksheets above, please try as many questions from your age range below:

Suggested for ages 12+

End of Series Quiz!

Please try the quizzes below to see how much you’ve learned about Jeremiah in the last few weeks at Sunday school.  Don’t worry if you don’t get everything right – some questions are much harder than others.  If you do all four quizzes there is a total of 50 points to try for.  Enter your name at the start of each quiz and we can add them up and let you know your score!


Jeremiah's Life

1 / 12

1. When Jeremiah was called to be a prophet how did he feel?

2 / 12

2. When Jeremiah was young, Josiah was King.  What did  Jeremiah and Josiah both do while they were still young?

3 / 12

3. When the godly King Josiah died Jeremiah was really sad.  How did Josiah die?

4 / 12

4. Jeremiah is often known as the weeping prophet. Why did he weep for the people of Judah?

5 / 12

5. As Jerusalem would soon be destroyed, what did God tell Jeremiah he should not do?

6 / 12

6. What did God teach Jeremiah when he sent him to the potter’s house?

7 / 12

7.  Jeremiah had a lot of opposition to his preaching.  When he was put in the stocks what did he want to give up?

8 / 12

8. However, Jeremiah continued to preach. What did Jeremiah tell the people they should put first in their lives?

9 / 12

9.  Jeremiah was put in the dungeon and sunk into the mire.  He thought he would die but what did he do?

10 / 12

10. Jeremiah believed God’s promises for the future.   He bought a field during the siege which shewed that he believed what?

11 / 12

11.  After the siege the Babylonians told Jeremiah he could choose where to live.  Where did Jeremiah know God wanted him to be?

12 / 12

12.  Sadly, Jeremiah was dragged off to Egypt and probably died there but throughout his life he had known God’s love and care towards him.  Which of these is not true about God towards His people?

Your score is

The average score is 80%



12 Lessons on the Life of Jeremiah

1 / 12

1. Jeremiah’s Call to be a Prophet
Who told Jeremiah that he must be a prophet?

2 / 12

2. Jeremiah preached many sermons.  What did he tell the people that they needed to do?

3 / 12

3. There was a big battle at a place called Carchemish and the Assyrian empire was finally defeated by the Babylonians. Who did God send Jeremiah to watch to remind him that God is in control of nations and people and they are in His hands?

4 / 12

4. Jeremiah was rejected by the religious leaders, many of the people and even some of his own family –just as Jesus was many years later.  Who plotted to kill Jeremiah?

5 / 12

5. They tried to stop Jeremiah preaching so his sermons were written down and read out by his scribe. King Jehoiakim destroyed one copy of Jeremiah’s sermons but where can we now read Jeremiah’s sermons?

6 / 12

6. What did Jeremiah do with a linen belt before wearing it to demonstrate to the people that they should not be proud?

7 / 12

7.  God showed Jeremiah two baskets of figs, one with good figs in and one with bad figs in.  Who did the good figs represent?

8 / 12

8. Jeremiah told the people that they should submit to the yoke of King Nebuchadnezzar but King Zedekiah rebelled. Who does the Bible say has rebelled and sinned against God?

9 / 12

9.  During the siege the princes put Jeremiah in a dungeon which he could not escape from.  All these answers are true of Jeremiah but which one is not a picture of us as sinners?

10 / 12

10. Many people died of pestilence and famine during the siege and then those left were killed by the sword.  If the people had left the city and gone to King Nebuchadnezzar what would he have done, which is a picture of what God will do if we submit to him?

11 / 12

11. When the Jews were taken captive it seemed as if there was no hope for the future but the people did return and the promised Saviour was eventually born.  Which people can even say, ‘There is hope’ when they know they are going to die?

12 / 12

12. In Lamentations 3 Jeremiah wrote about some of the things that had happened to him.  Out of these things which is the one that Jeremiah said was a bad thing to do?

Your score is

The average score is 88%



People in the life of Jeremiah

1 / 13

  1. What was Jeremiah's father's name?

2 / 13

2. When Jeremiah was called to be a prophet who was the king of Judah?

3 / 13

3. Which Old Testament prophet preached in Jerusalem at the time of Jeremiah and Josiah telling the people to Seek the Lord?

4 / 13

4. Who came to Jerusalem after the battle of Carchemish and took away some of the young men captive (including Daniel)?

5 / 13

5. Who put Jeremiah in the stocks after Jeremiah had told the people that Jerusalem would be broken like a broken pot?

6 / 13

6. What was the name of Jeremiah’s scribe who wrote down a lot of his sermons?

7 / 13

7.  What was the name of the king who cut up the scroll of God’s words to Jeremiah?

8 / 13

8.  God sent Jeremiah to tell King Zedekiah that he must be under the yoke of the King of Babylon.  Which false prophet broke the yoke and claimed that within 2 years all the captives would come home?

9 / 13

9. Four princes wanted to stop Jeremiah preaching and so they got permission from King Zedekiah to put Jeremiah into a dungeon.  The princes were called Shephatiah, Gedaliah, Pashurand ..

10 / 13

10. Who rescued Jeremiah from the dungeon where he had been left to sink into the mire and die?

11 / 13

11. After Jerusalem was destroyed who became the new governor of the land of Judah?

12 / 13

12. What was the name of Jeconiah’s grandson who returned many years later to be governor of Jerusalem?

13 / 13

13. What is the name of the Saviour that God sent     as He had promised?

Your score is

The average score is 77%



Jeremiah: Dates and Numbers

1 / 13

1. Josiah became king in 640BC.  In what year was Jeremiah called to be a prophet?

2 / 13

2. Josiah died in 609 BC.  For how many years had he been King of Judah?

3 / 13

3. After Josiah died his son Jehoahaz became king.  For how many months did he reign?

4 / 13

4. Pharaoh Necho took Jehoahaz as prisoner into Egypt and made Jehoiakim king instead.  For how many years did Jehoiakim serve Pharaoh Necho?

5 / 13

5. In what year was the battle of Carchemish when the Assyrian Empire was finally defeated?

6 / 13

6.  After the battle of Carchemish the first group of captives were taken to Babylon. How long did God say the captivity would last?

7 / 13

7.  Josiah’s son Jehoiakim and Zedekiah were both kings of Judah. One in 609BC and the other in 598BC.   How long did they both reign?

8 / 13

8.  Jeconiah reigned for just 3 months in the year 598BC.  He was then taken to prison in Babylon.  For how many years was he in prison?

9 / 13

9.  Soon after Jeconiah had been taken captive God shewed Jeremiah baskets of good and bad figs which had been left outside of the temple.  How many baskets were there?

10 / 13

10.  How many people did Ebedmelech take with him to help rescue Jeremiah from the dungeon?

11 / 13

11.  Jeremiah wrote an acrostic poem about the siege using the Hebrew Alphabet.  How many letters are there in the Hebrew alphabet?

12 / 13

12.  In what year was Jerusalem destroyed?

13 / 13

13.  Jeremiah was a prophet for 40 years in Jerusalem.  The book of Jeremiah begins by naming the 3 main kings during this time but how many different kings actually reigned during these 40 years?

Your score is

The average score is 58%


Please take a photo of your completed sheet and email to or send a WhatsApp to 07904 196673.  Remember to include your name and age. 

If you don't have a printer...

We would still love to see you have watched this week’s lesson, so if you can’t print one of the worksheets above, please try as many questions from your age range below:

Suggested for ages 12+

End of Series Quiz!

Please try the quizzes below to see how much you’ve learned about Jeremiah in the last few weeks at Sunday school.  Don’t worry if you don’t get everything right – some questions are much harder than others.  If you do all four quizzes there is a total of 50 points to try for.  Enter your name at the start of each quiz and we can add them up and let you know your score!


Jeremiah's Life

1 / 12

1. When Jeremiah was called to be a prophet how did he feel?

2 / 12

2. When Jeremiah was young, Josiah was King.  What did  Jeremiah and Josiah both do while they were still young?

3 / 12

3. When the godly King Josiah died Jeremiah was really sad.  How did Josiah die?

4 / 12

4. Jeremiah is often known as the weeping prophet. Why did he weep for the people of Judah?

5 / 12

5. As Jerusalem would soon be destroyed, what did God tell Jeremiah he should not do?

6 / 12

6. What did God teach Jeremiah when he sent him to the potter’s house?

7 / 12

7.  Jeremiah had a lot of opposition to his preaching.  When he was put in the stocks what did he want to give up?

8 / 12

8. However, Jeremiah continued to preach. What did Jeremiah tell the people they should put first in their lives?

9 / 12

9.  Jeremiah was put in the dungeon and sunk into the mire.  He thought he would die but what did he do?

10 / 12

10. Jeremiah believed God’s promises for the future.   He bought a field during the siege which shewed that he believed what?

11 / 12

11.  After the siege the Babylonians told Jeremiah he could choose where to live.  Where did Jeremiah know God wanted him to be?

12 / 12

12.  Sadly, Jeremiah was dragged off to Egypt and probably died there but throughout his life he had known God’s love and care towards him.  Which of these is not true about God towards His people?

Your score is

The average score is 80%



12 Lessons on the Life of Jeremiah

1 / 12

1. Jeremiah’s Call to be a Prophet
Who told Jeremiah that he must be a prophet?

2 / 12

2. Jeremiah preached many sermons.  What did he tell the people that they needed to do?

3 / 12

3. There was a big battle at a place called Carchemish and the Assyrian empire was finally defeated by the Babylonians. Who did God send Jeremiah to watch to remind him that God is in control of nations and people and they are in His hands?

4 / 12

4. Jeremiah was rejected by the religious leaders, many of the people and even some of his own family –just as Jesus was many years later.  Who plotted to kill Jeremiah?

5 / 12

5. They tried to stop Jeremiah preaching so his sermons were written down and read out by his scribe. King Jehoiakim destroyed one copy of Jeremiah’s sermons but where can we now read Jeremiah’s sermons?

6 / 12

6. What did Jeremiah do with a linen belt before wearing it to demonstrate to the people that they should not be proud?

7 / 12

7.  God showed Jeremiah two baskets of figs, one with good figs in and one with bad figs in.  Who did the good figs represent?

8 / 12

8. Jeremiah told the people that they should submit to the yoke of King Nebuchadnezzar but King Zedekiah rebelled. Who does the Bible say has rebelled and sinned against God?

9 / 12

9.  During the siege the princes put Jeremiah in a dungeon which he could not escape from.  All these answers are true of Jeremiah but which one is not a picture of us as sinners?

10 / 12

10. Many people died of pestilence and famine during the siege and then those left were killed by the sword.  If the people had left the city and gone to King Nebuchadnezzar what would he have done, which is a picture of what God will do if we submit to him?

11 / 12

11. When the Jews were taken captive it seemed as if there was no hope for the future but the people did return and the promised Saviour was eventually born.  Which people can even say, ‘There is hope’ when they know they are going to die?

12 / 12

12. In Lamentations 3 Jeremiah wrote about some of the things that had happened to him.  Out of these things which is the one that Jeremiah said was a bad thing to do?

Your score is

The average score is 88%



People in the life of Jeremiah

1 / 13

  1. What was Jeremiah's father's name?

2 / 13

2. When Jeremiah was called to be a prophet who was the king of Judah?

3 / 13

3. Which Old Testament prophet preached in Jerusalem at the time of Jeremiah and Josiah telling the people to Seek the Lord?

4 / 13

4. Who came to Jerusalem after the battle of Carchemish and took away some of the young men captive (including Daniel)?

5 / 13

5. Who put Jeremiah in the stocks after Jeremiah had told the people that Jerusalem would be broken like a broken pot?

6 / 13

6. What was the name of Jeremiah’s scribe who wrote down a lot of his sermons?

7 / 13

7.  What was the name of the king who cut up the scroll of God’s words to Jeremiah?

8 / 13

8.  God sent Jeremiah to tell King Zedekiah that he must be under the yoke of the King of Babylon.  Which false prophet broke the yoke and claimed that within 2 years all the captives would come home?

9 / 13

9. Four princes wanted to stop Jeremiah preaching and so they got permission from King Zedekiah to put Jeremiah into a dungeon.  The princes were called Shephatiah, Gedaliah, Pashurand ..

10 / 13

10. Who rescued Jeremiah from the dungeon where he had been left to sink into the mire and die?

11 / 13

11. After Jerusalem was destroyed who became the new governor of the land of Judah?

12 / 13

12. What was the name of Jeconiah’s grandson who returned many years later to be governor of Jerusalem?

13 / 13

13. What is the name of the Saviour that God sent     as He had promised?

Your score is

The average score is 77%



Jeremiah: Dates and Numbers

1 / 13

1. Josiah became king in 640BC.  In what year was Jeremiah called to be a prophet?

2 / 13

2. Josiah died in 609 BC.  For how many years had he been King of Judah?

3 / 13

3. After Josiah died his son Jehoahaz became king.  For how many months did he reign?

4 / 13

4. Pharaoh Necho took Jehoahaz as prisoner into Egypt and made Jehoiakim king instead.  For how many years did Jehoiakim serve Pharaoh Necho?

5 / 13

5. In what year was the battle of Carchemish when the Assyrian Empire was finally defeated?

6 / 13

6.  After the battle of Carchemish the first group of captives were taken to Babylon. How long did God say the captivity would last?

7 / 13

7.  Josiah’s son Jehoiakim and Zedekiah were both kings of Judah. One in 609BC and the other in 598BC.   How long did they both reign?

8 / 13

8.  Jeconiah reigned for just 3 months in the year 598BC.  He was then taken to prison in Babylon.  For how many years was he in prison?

9 / 13

9.  Soon after Jeconiah had been taken captive God shewed Jeremiah baskets of good and bad figs which had been left outside of the temple.  How many baskets were there?

10 / 13

10.  How many people did Ebedmelech take with him to help rescue Jeremiah from the dungeon?

11 / 13

11.  Jeremiah wrote an acrostic poem about the siege using the Hebrew Alphabet.  How many letters are there in the Hebrew alphabet?

12 / 13

12.  In what year was Jerusalem destroyed?

13 / 13

13.  Jeremiah was a prophet for 40 years in Jerusalem.  The book of Jeremiah begins by naming the 3 main kings during this time but how many different kings actually reigned during these 40 years?

Your score is

The average score is 58%


Please take a photo of your completed sheet and email to or send a WhatsApp to 07904 196673.  Remember to include your name and age. 

If you don't have a printer...

We would still love to see you have watched this week’s lesson, so if you can’t print one of the worksheets above, please try as many questions from your age range below:

Suggested for ages 12+